The market for power supply networks and infrastructure is growing fast, and Dynamic Engineering Solutions is positioned well to offer market-leading services and construction. The company provides distribution network construction, maintenance, issue management, after-sales service and all-important end-customer interaction. We also have wide experience from managing large-scale AMR (automated meter reading) projects including installation and maintenance.

In recent years, Dynamic Engineering Solutions has invested in the rapidly growing market for SmartGrids and green energy production, such as windmills and solar cell technology.Power Supply

Combined with expertise from Orbion Consulting, Dynamic Engineering Solutions can provide a unique, integrated value proposition for our customers. Further, the power companies can capitalize on our experience and knowledge of best practices from other industries. All in all, the focus is to provide services and competence that create real value for our customers’ businesses.

The fast growing market requires major investments in power and energy infrastructure. As an alternative to establishing in-house resources, several power companies and network owners are utilizing service providers to manage non-core business and processes. With Dynamic Engineering Solutions’s strong construction operations and recognized models for production management and efficiency, power companies can feel confident that our deliveries will strengthen their business.